Cherne Industries

of 34 products
    of 34 products

    With a motto of "Best in the Business" you canno™t go wrong with a Cherne product. Manufacturing a variety of different products such as pneumatic plugs, mechanical plugs, testing equipment, deflection gauges and a good line of testing tool and accessories, this brand is sure to offer you a reliable product that is well worth the money spent. offers Cherne products at a competitive price. 

    • Plugs
    • Caps
    • Parts
    • And more

    Cherne Pneumatic Plugs

    These plugs can be used for a couple different applications. The can be used for testing the pressure in a system or to block a water or sewer line in the event of a needed line addition or repair. Cherne pneumatic plugs are also made that can clean lines or bypass pumping. Pillow plugs are an efficient way to check sewer lines to make sure they are air-tight. Each one of the Cherne pneumatic plugs comes in a variety of different sizes and are made to withstand each application under any pressure that may come.

    Mechanical Plugs

    Mechanical plugs are also used for the testing of pipes. They can be used for drain waste and vent lines to check for leakage. Mechanical Cherne plugs generally have an easy wing nut tightening system to allow for easy use. Though they are most commonly used for mechanical testing that are sturdy enough to withstand long term applications. The difference between a mechanical plug and a pneumatic plug is that the mechanical plug must have a the wing nut that must be turned mechanically to work properly whereas the pneumatic plugs are activated and put into place by air.

    Testing Equipment

    Cherne's testing equipment is self-explanatory in that it aids in the testing of your drain, waste and vent lines. The testing equipment consist of things such as a pressure panel or Air Lock Testing Pressure hoses. These products are used once the Cherne plugs are in place and provide you with the tools you need to put the pressure on the plug to make sure the line is secure.

    Deflection Gauges

    Deflection gauges can come in steel or aluminum to best fit the application that you are needing them for. These Cherne gauges are used to test flexible sewer pipe and contain nine arms to ensure that objects will not get stuck in them when the pipe line is being tested. Benefits of an aluminum gage would be its light weight and more easy to maneuver. Steel gauges are heavier but do offer a higher resistance to rust and any other damaging elements.

    Tools and Other Accessories

    Many other tools and accessories are offered from Cherne that will only ensure all your new lines are installed correctly without any leaks as well as keep you existing lines clean and repaired with ease. Gages and clog busters will allow you to detect leaks and get rid of them before they can cause any damage.

    Buy Discount Cherne Plugs at PlumbersStock

    When it comes to testing your new sewage line or cleaning and existing drain line offers all the plumbing products that you made need available from Cherne. The wide variety of pneumatic and mechanical Cherne plugs will allow you to test your line no matter what the size. All testing equipment, tool and accessories are also available so you can get the job done.