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    of 26 products

    If you live in an area where the temperatures in the winter plummet and there is an endless bought of snow you are no stranger a frozen roof or even frozen pipelines. EasyHeat heat tape will help prevent your outside faucet from freezing and causing a leak, and possibly hefty damages.

    EasyHeat Tape

    Long gone are the days where you will have to worry about ice becoming a damaging element on your home. These EasyHeat products have been designed to melt the ice away. They offer de-icing roof and down spouting tape that you can install directly on your roof. When installed in the correct areas and plugged in at the right time it will literally melt the snow and ice right off your roof. This EasyHeat tape is ideal to install right above any entry way into your home so that an unexpected guest does not get a face full of snow during the brunt of a major snowstorm. It can also keep snow and ice off a deck or patio where it may cause damage. This de-icing roof tape is easy to install and all it needs is an outlet to be plugged into. It is available in 30'™, 60'™, 120'™, or 200'™ lengths so you can have as much or as little as you need.

    Freeze Free Tape

    Freeze free EasyHeat tape is an excellent solution to add to your outside water spout or yard hydrant. This tape when used with the connector tape is sure to keep the pipes from freezing. This tape is also easy to use and can be simply wrapped around the faucet and plugged in.

    Regular Heat Tape

    Another great product is the regular EasyHeat heat tape. This tape can be used for a variety of different applications including to keep ice clear from your rain gutters.

    EasyHeat heat tape offers an easy solution to all your frozen problems. Once installed in simply looks like an extension cord and is black in color and will not draw attention. One thing that is important to remember when installing this product is to make sure that the heat tape does not overlap itself or another other heat tape lines. If two lines are over lapping one another, the combined heat could possible melt the insulation and cause a short in the line so be sure to take care or speak with a professional if you are unsure how to install heat tape.

    Wholesale EasyHeat Heat Tape

    Keeping your roof and gutters free of ice has never been easier with EasyHeat tape products. This products come in convenient predetermined lengths and there is no cutting involved. They are also available in three different types of application so you can pick the one that works best for you. For more information on EasyHeat product contact our Plumbersstock.com professionals today.

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