
About HVAC Dampers

Save here when you need replacement HVAC dampers for all kinds of applications within heating and cooling system. The right dampers will make all the difference regarding energy efficiency.

Within your ductwork, you need duct dampers for regulating how the air flows into your home. It is essential that your heating and cooling system is running as efficiently and safely as possible. The best dampers will help to ensure your system performs at the highest level. There are a variety of different air duct dampers:

  • Zone dampers - use these to close off portions of your home or building to save on heating and cooling. This energy efficiency feature is a favorite in homes that are partially shut down for seasons at a time.
    • Opposed dampers - these dampers are a type of zone damper named for the manner in which they operate. The blades are opened and closed in opposing directions. They are ideal for managing volume control.
  • Pressure relief dampers
  • Backdraft dampers
  • Fire dampers - also referred to as a smoke damper, they help to prevent the spread of fire within your heating and cooling system. These are a must-have for restaurant kitchens and other locations with fire hazards.

Buy Dampers Online

Browse through our enormous inventory of discount Shoemaker HVAC dampers and save on your next installation. We carry plenty of other brands, as well, so you are sure to find the part you need at a price you can afford.

What Is a Fire Damper?