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Honeywell R8246A1038 2 Pole Electric Heat Relay
SKU: 375875
$121.30 / ea
$311.02 / ea
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0.55 lbs.
About the Honeywell R8246A1038
About the Honeywell R8246A1038 2 Pole Electric Heat Relay
Honeywell R8246A1038 2 Pole Electric Heat Relay. Honeywell Sems Screws Provide conventional on-off control of heating elements and fan in an electric furnace.
Product Features
Designed for quiet operation. R8246A and R8229A replace over 50 Honeywell and competitive electric heat primaries, including the Honeywell R8330 Electric Furnace Sequencer.
Use on furnaces with a line voltage or pilot duty limit.
Simple ON-OFF switching - readily understood and easily serviced- Eliminates cold drafts on system startup.