When pricing out a furnace purchase, you have to consider what you will pay in utilities. You have to ask yourself how many watts does a furnace use? If your HVAC system runs off electricity, then the number is going to be significant. If you have a gas-fueled furnace, then it won’t be (more on that later).
How Many Watts to Run a Furnace?

For electric, it really depends on the size of your furnace. They typically range from 10 to 50 kilowatts. In order to figure out your daily or usage, you need to know your kilowatt power use, how many hours per day that you run it, and the price the electric company charges per kilowatt-hour.
For example, let’s use an average size 18-kilowatt furnace fit for a 2,400 square foot home. Let’s say you run your furnace an average of 2.5 hours per day, and you’re charged an average of $0.09/kWh. Your calculation looks something like this:
18 x 2.5 x 0.09 = $4.05 per day
To get a monthly estimate, multiply the daily cost by 30, and get $121.50. Plug in the data that fits your situation, and you can easily make this calculation yourself.
How Many Watts Does a Furnace Blower Use?
It depends on whether or not you have a standard fan motor or if you’re operating with a variable-speed motor. The standard is about 400 watts per hour, but the high-efficiency variable-speed models can deliver at about 75 watts per hour!
If you have a variable-speed motor, you might actually save money by constantly running it. The reason is that it will maintain even temperatures in your house, resulting in less furnace operation.
Does a Gas Furnace Use Electricity?
A gas furnace typically requires a small amount of electricity to ignite. It’s a minimal amount (about 600 watts) and will not make a difference to your utility bill.
Get Deals on Furnace Parts
Now that you know how many watts a furnace uses, you can refer to other helpful resources around the site for other questions. Take note that PlumbersStock has all kinds of HVAC parts like HVAC blowers, furnace ignitors, blower wheels, etc. Did you know that you can find member pricing here on certain items (typically name brand, MAP priced items) if you log in? For industry professionals buying in bulk, please consider contacting us directly for extra special pricing and extra savings.
Related resources:
What Is a Furnace?
Gas vs. Electric Furnace
Furnace Replacement Cost
1-Stage vs. 2-Stage Furnaces
Upflow vs. Downflow Furnace
What Size Furnace Is Recommended?