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KOHLER K-2973-KS-NA MasterShower Mixing Valve
SKU: 369392
$470.64 / ea
$659.90 / ea
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local_shippingAvailable to Ship in 6-8 weeks
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from $535.35
Piscataway New Jersey
$535.35 / ea
local_shippingShips in 5-7 Days
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Product Details
Mpn #
Shipping Dimensions
7.0" x
7.0" x
4.15 lbs.
About the Kohler 2973-KS-NA
About the KOHLER K-2973-KS-NA MasterShower Mixing Valve
Kohler K-2973-KS-NA
Product Features
MasterShower Thermostatic Valve Features an Innovative Shuttle Design That Delivers Precise, Consistent Temperature Control and a Generous Flow Rate
Thermostatic Valve Allows Bather To Set and Maintain Precise Temperature
Factory Calibrated Comfort Setting Set at 104 Degrees Fahrenheit
High-Temperature Safety Stop Ensures That Water Temperature Stays Below 120 Degrees Fahreneheit
Patented K-Joint Installation Ensures Consistent Trim Appearance, Regardless of Variability in Valve Rough-In (Included with Trim)
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Hello there! Thank you for posting your query about the Moen S72101ORB Weymouth kitchen faucet. Here at PlumbersStock, we provide our customers genuine manufacturer products so rest assured that this kitchen faucet has the same quality with the manufacturer itself. To order, just click the Add to Cart button and fill in the required fields. Thank you for visiting PlumbersStock! Have a great day!