About the Lochinvar Solution Natural Gas Boiler, Two Stage Ignition, 260000 BTU, 3/4in Gas Connection, 8in Vent - CBN260
Lochinvar Solution CBN260 260000 BTU Two Stage Ignition Natural Gas Boiler. If youre looking for a heating system for your new home, replacing an old boiler, or just thinking about converting from an expensive electric heater, Lochinvars Solution Boiler is an investment you'll want to make. A reliable and efficient heating system is the key to keeping those in your home comfortable when those cold winter months roll around. Lochinvar developed this gas-fired boiler to stand above the other boiler in its class. Not only in terms of comfort, quality, efficiency, but dependability also. Often older boilers are inefficient and can waste money with there poor heating performance. This Solution Boiler is 84% efficient according to the AFUE, and can save you money for many years and years to come.
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