Expand your sprinkler zones with this Rainbird 100DVF valve with the Dura DMF3 1" manifold in a 3-valve setup. With this setup, you don't have to stress yourself in choosing a valve and a manifold separately.
Rainbird's 100DVF series comes with features beneficial to your sprinkler system and, along with the Dura 1" manifold, will surely increase the lifespan and decrease maintenance of your sprinkler system. The Rainbird 100DVF offers a low-power encapsulated solenoid which improves energy-efficiency without decreasing performance and a balanced-pressure diaphragm (Buna-N) for added durability. It's Buna-N diaphragm comes with a 200-micron self-cleaning water filter pilot and captive spring which reduces downtime due to dirt in the system. Dirt and debris can easily be removed thanks to its external bleed flushing capabilities. Optimum reliability is assured by a double-filtered pilot-flow design, an internal bleed for spray-free manual operation, and can even operate in Xerigation and low-flow applications when the RBY filter is installed upstream.
The DVF Series also enjoys Rainbird's latest innovations like the patented easy-to-turn pressure assisted flow control mechanism which is designed for optimal flow control, giving you more options in setting up your sprinkler system.
Rainbird and Dura are both tested and proven products in their respected field, and PlumbersStock has seen it fit to pair those products together to create a ready-to-use, already-assembled sprinkler valve manifold for you. No hustle and less trouble.