Mars 16023 3ARR3KC10S5 Motor Start Potential Relay, Tab Type Bracket
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Mars 16023 3ARR3KC10S5 Motor Start Potential Relay, Tab Type Bracket
SKU: 246262
$36.50 / ea
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local_shippingAvailable to Ship in 6-8 weeks
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0.30 lbs.
About the Mars 16023
About the Mars 16023 3ARR3KC10S5 Motor Start Potential Relay, Tab Type Bracket
Mars 16023
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Hey, there! Thank you for posting an inquiry concerning the Mansfield 160-CBO toilet tank. Do you mean the number of bolts it has? If so, then, it has a 3-bolt tank to bowl connection. To order this tank, click "Add to Cart" and fill in the required fields. Thank you for choosing PlumbersStock. We're happy to assist you in any way. Have a great day!
Hey, there! Thank you for posting an inquiry concerning the Mansfield 160-CBO toilet tank. Ship times vary depending on a number of factors including time of day ordered, selected shipping method, and commercial or residential addresses. To get the most accurate ship time, it would be best to contact our Customer Service Department at 435-868-4020 from 7 AM to 7 PM MST (Mon-Fri) or through support@plumbersstock.com435-868-4020. You may also inquire about Expedite Shipping if you need this Mansfield 160-CBO quickly. To order this toilet tank, simply click "Add to Cart" and fill in the required fields. Thank you for visiting PlumbersStock! We're happy to assist you in any way. Have a great day!