Moen 101956 Part Stem Ext, Roman Tub With Diverter
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Moen 101956 Part Stem Ext, Roman Tub With Diverter
SKU: 22005
$16.58 / ea
$19.65 / ea
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local_shippingAvailable to Ship in 4-5 weeks
factoryOrders from the Manufacturer
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Product Details
Repair & Replacement
Faucet Part Type:
Mpn #
Shipping Dimensions
4.1" x
2.1" x
0.20 lbs.
About the Moen 101956
About the Moen 101956 Part Stem Ext, Roman Tub With Diverter
Moen 101956
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Replacement Parts
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how long will it take if ordered today to get to 8180 sims lane 32312
Hey, there! Thank you for your inquiry about the Moen 101956 tub diverter. Ship times vary depending on several factors, including the time of day ordered, selected shipping method, and commercial or residential addresses. To get the most accurate shipping time, it would be best to contact our Customer Service Department at 435-868-4020 from 7 AM to 7 PM MST (Mon-Fri) or through You may also inquire about Expedite Shipping if you need this diverter soon. Thank you for choosing PlumbersStock! Have a great day!