Moen Vale Pivoting Toilet Paper Holder, Brushed Nickel - DN4408BN
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Moen Vale Pivoting Toilet Paper Holder, Brushed Nickel - DN4408BN
SKU: 91470
$20.81 / ea
$33.05 / ea
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$26.69 / ea
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Product Details
Toilet Paper Holder
Brushed Nickel
Product Collection:
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Mpn #
Shipping Dimensions
4.9" x
3.1" x
1.25 lbs.
About the Moen DN4408BN
About the Moen Vale Pivoting Toilet Paper Holder, Brushed Nickel - DN4408BN
The Vale series offers an elegant, transitional design that helps create a bathroom that stands out. By combining a classic look with your modern luxury, this series offers the best of both worlds delivering an inspired look to your home.
Product Features
Brushed Nickel finish produces a warm, lightly brushed, metallic look
Limited Lifetime Warranty
The innovative pivoting paper holder's springdeg Free design makes changing the roll quick and easy
Hi there! Thank you for taking interest in the Moen DN4408BN toilet paper holder. The product you are looking for is the Moen DN4408CH (SKU: 91471). To purchase the chrome finished type of this toilet paper holder, kindly enter the SKU number on the search bar. Please include a "period" before the SKU number (example: .91471), click the “Add to Cart” button and fill out the form. Thank you for choosing PlumberStock! Have a nice day and happy shopping!
Hola! Thank you for your query about the Moen DN4408BN toilet paper holder. The overall length of this holder measures 8-13/25". To purchase this Moen DN4408BN, click "Add to Cart", fill out the required fields and we'll handle the rest. Thank you for visiting PlumbersStock! Have a nice day ahead.