About the Ridgid 20213 Model 636 3/4" x 16' Tape Measure
Ridgid 20213 Model 636 16-foot Tape Measure can be a locking or long steel tape. For the locking tapethere is a blade that locks in place and rewinds automatically. It is chromium-plated and the Inside-outside case has button control for tape locking and power rewinding. It also comes with a removable belt clip. The tempered steel blade is finished in yellow enamel and coated with mylar for lasting protection. The blade is reinforced and prevents breakage at the tip. The 16-foot Tape Measure is self-adjusting inside-outside end hook. A stud marks every 16". The long steel tape measures have durable caseswhich have a vinyl covering over rust-resistant coated steel liner. The fittings are nickel-plated. A push pin easily opens the fold-in-rewind handle. The tape is easy-to-readand it's white steel shows inches in black and feet in red. 16-inch centers are clearly indicated. The folding end hook holds firmly and releases easily.