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Ridgid 23738 VF3501 Filter Bag
SKU: 110888
$18.68 / ea
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Product Details
Mpn #
0.32 lbs.
About the Ridgid 23738
About the Ridgid 23738 VF3501 Filter Bag
Ridgid 23738 Replacement VF3501 Filter Bag.
Product Features
This item is BAG, FILTER VF3501 23738
This product is used for bucket-tool-organizers
This product manufacture by China
Designed for dry fine particles for smaller vacs
Great for drywall dust, fine filtration, and for both wet and dry cleanup
Comes in a pack of 2
Easy to dispose of and eliminates a messy tank
Designed for vacuum models WD40500, WD40700, WD40501, WD45500, WD45220
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Question and Answer
Showing 1 out of 1 questions.
Where can I find an "N" rating for this material, as in "N95", "N99", etc?
Hello there! Thank you for posting your query about the Ridgid 23738 VF3501 filter bag. It doesn’t have an N rating as the filter material used in this filter bag is not intended for any purpose other than to protect the end user from particles or debris being expelled back into the air during operations and store captured particles and debris. This is not designed to be used to directly protect humans from viruses, bacteria, or other pathogens. We hope this information helps. Should you have any other concerns, don’t hesitate to ask away. Thank you for contacting PlumbersStock! Have a great day!