Toto LHT241G Cotton White Supreme Wall Mount Lavatory Single Hole
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Toto LHT241G Cotton White Supreme Wall Mount Lavatory Single Hole
SKU: 99814
$199.00 / ea
$407.00 / ea
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Product Details
Product Collection:
Mount Type:
Wall Mount
Mpn #
48.50 lbs.
About the Toto LHT241G#01
About the Toto LHT241G Cotton White Supreme Wall Mount Lavatory Single Hole
The Toto LHT241G#01 is a Wall-Mounted Lavatory Sink with Shroud from the Supreme Suite of Toto USA has a transitional design. The Toto LHT241G#01 measures 22-7/8" x 19-5/8", a single faucet mounting hole, and comes in a Cotton White finish.
TOTO's patented, super-smooth glazing, is engineered to prevent debris, mold, particles and bacteria from sticking to the porous surface of ceramic toilets and lavatories. Along with regular cleaning, SanaGloss will keep your TOTO chinaware in cleaner.o
22-7/8" x 19-5/8"
Designed to correspond with Supreme Suite products
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