About the Wheeler Rex 30150 1-1/2" IPS Polyethylene Pipe Chamfering and Depth Gauge Tool
With over 50 years of product experience and excellence Wheeler Rex offers this Chamfering and Depth Gauge tool. With a perfect and standard degree angle to the chamfer blade, this helpful tool easily adds the required chamfer to the end of 1-1/2 Inch IPS (Internal Pipe Swivel) polyethylene pipe without having to file by hand or check the angle regularly. The Wheeler Rex 30150 1-1/2" Chamfering tool removes any burrs from the cut edge or the original knife like edge from manufacturing; allowing the end to slip in easily to the joint, offsetting the glue and directing the glue up over the pipe allowing the glue to spread out evenly over the gluing surfaces not out of the way thus helping to create a superior, strong, and guaranteed glue bond and joint.
This preparatory socket tool is also sized for the proper depth gauge marking for cold ring per ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials International) F1056 seal
ASTM International helps to ensure and improve product quality and standards.