About the Woodford RK-70 Repair Kit
The Woodford RK-70 Repair Kit is for the Woodford 70 Freezeless Wall Hydrant. The Woodford 70 Freezeless wall hydrant is recommended for irrigation purposes. It is designed to blend with modern architecture. It is ideal for installation in schools, shopping centers, churches and industrial buildings. This Woodford Woodford RK-70 Repair Kit includes the tee key, a chrome packing nut, the packing and a chrome head nut assembly. It also has a yoke nut, plain support washer, the ball valve rubber and the round brass nut. This Woodford RK-70 Repair Kit is another quality product from Woodford that can give you years of trouble-free service. Woodford is today's premier manufacturer of wall faucets, yard hydrants, vacuum breakers and bath/lavatory drains and trim kits. All of Woodford's products is proudly made in the USA.